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Rent The Red Truck Pricing

Rent The Red Truck for photos is priced two ways....

By the Hour or By the Day

Hourly rate is $75.00 on location* (10 acres of rolling woods in Greenville, MI) OR if we truck to your location its $1.75 per mile in each direction plus a $50.00 load and unload fee.

Daily Rate (6 hours) is $360.00 plus 1.75 per mile in each direction and a $50.00 load/unload fee. Additional hours billed at 50.00 per hour

Neither of these rates include any props to decorate with.

If you want specific props for Wedding, Spring, Summer, Patrioitic, Fall or Christmas add an additional $20.00 to the hourly rate or an additional $30.00 to the daily rate.


If you sign a contract then cancel unless its weather related and reschedule you lose your entire downpayment.

*Minimum is 2 hours on location as it takes time to load and unload the truck off the trailer its stored on move it to shoot location...